Shader module compilation failed

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  • #1353

      I got error when the program calling vkCreateGraphicsPipelines

      [***MoltenVK ERROR***] VK_ERROR_INITIALIZATION_FAILED: Shader module compilation failed (code 3):
      Compilation failed: 
      program_source:146:29: error: use of undeclared identifier 'unsupported_GLSLstd450UnpackHalf2x16'
                      result[n] = unsupported_GLSLstd450UnpackHalf2x16(get_bits(param_5, param_6)).x;
      program_source:253:50: error: use of undeclared identifier 'volatile_input_stream'
              return fetch_attribute(param_1, param_2, volatile_input_stream, volatile_input_streamSmplr);
      program_source:253:73: error: use of undeclared identifier 'volatile_input_streamSmplr'
              return fetch_attribute(param_1, param_2, volatile_input_stream, volatile_input_streamSmplr);
      program_source:259:50: error: use of undeclared identifier 'persistent_input_stream'
              return fetch_attribute(param_3, param_4, persistent_input_stream, persistent_input_streamSmplr);
      program_source:259:75: error: use of undeclared identifier 'persistent_input_streamSmplr'
              return fetch_attribute(param_3, param_4, persistent_input_stream, persistent_input_streamSmplr);
      program_source:296:5: error: no matching function for call to 'vs_main'
          vs_main(param, param_1, param_2, v_428, gl_VertexIndex, v_558);
      program_source:263:6: note: candidate function not viable: no known conversion from 'uint' (aka 'unsigned int') to 'int &' for 5th argument
      void vs_main(thread float4& dst_reg0, thread float4& dst_reg1, thread float4& dst_reg7, constant VertexContextBuffer& v_428, thread int& gl_VertexIndex, constant VertexConstantsBuffer& v_558)

      But when I tried to use MoltenShaderConverter to compile the shader module manually, it didn’t shown any errors.
      Code is attached below.

      #version 450
      #extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects : enable
      layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 0) uniform VertexContextBuffer
      	mat4 scale_offset_mat;
      	ivec4 user_clip_enabled[2];
      	vec4 user_clip_factor[2];
      	uint transform_branch_bits;
      	uint vertex_base_index;
      	ivec4 input_attributes[16];
      layout(set=0, binding=3) uniform usamplerBuffer persistent_input_stream;
      layout(set=0, binding=4) uniform usamplerBuffer volatile_input_stream;
      layout(location=10) out vec4 back_diff_color;
      layout(location=0) out vec4 tc0;
      layout(std140, set=0, binding = 1) uniform VertexConstantsBuffer
      	vec4 vc[468];
      vec4 lit_legacy(vec4 val){
      	vec4 clamped_val = val;
      	clamped_val.x = max(val.x, 0.);
      	clamped_val.y = max(val.y, 0.);
      	vec4 result;
      	result.x = 1.;
      	result.w = 1.;
      	result.y = clamped_val.x;
      	result.z = clamped_val.x > 0. ? exp(clamped_val.w * log(max(clamped_val.y, 1.E-10))) : 0.;
      	return result;
      struct attribute_desc
      	int type;
      	int attribute_size;
      	int starting_offset;
      	int stride;
      	int swap_bytes;
      	int is_volatile;
      	int frequency;
      	int divisor;
      	int modulo;
      uint get_bits(uvec4 v, int swap)
      	if (swap != 0) return (v.w | v.z << 8 | v.y << 16 | v.x << 24);
      	return (v.x | v.y << 8 | v.z << 16 | v.w << 24);
      uint get_bits(uvec2 v, int swap)
      	if (swap != 0) return (v.y | v.x << 8);
      	return (v.x | v.y << 8);
      int preserve_sign_s16(uint bits)
      	//convert raw 16 bit value into signed 32-bit integer counterpart
      	uint sign = bits & 0x8000;
      	if (sign != 0) return int(bits | 0xFFFF0000);
      	return int(bits);
      #define mov(v, i, s) v[i] = s
      #define get_s16(v, s) preserve_sign_s16(get_bits(v, s))
      vec4 fetch_attribute(attribute_desc desc, int vertex_id, usamplerBuffer input_stream)
      	vec4 result = vec4(0., 0., 0., 1.);
      	vec4 scale = vec4(1.);
      	uvec4 tmp;
      	uint bits;
      	bool reverse_order = false;
      	int first_byte = (vertex_id * desc.stride) + desc.starting_offset;
      	for (int n = 0; n < 4; n++)
      		if (n == desc.attribute_size) break;
      		switch (desc.type)
      		case 0:
      			//signed normalized 16-bit
      			tmp.x = texelFetch(input_stream, first_byte++).x;
      			tmp.y = texelFetch(input_stream, first_byte++).x;
      			mov(result, n, get_s16(tmp.xy, desc.swap_bytes));
      			mov(scale, n, 32767.);
      		case 1:
      			tmp.x = texelFetch(input_stream, first_byte++).x;
      			tmp.y = texelFetch(input_stream, first_byte++).x;
      			tmp.z = texelFetch(input_stream, first_byte++).x;
      			tmp.w = texelFetch(input_stream, first_byte++).x;
      			mov(result, n, uintBitsToFloat(get_bits(tmp, desc.swap_bytes)));
      		case 2:
      			tmp.x = texelFetch(input_stream, first_byte++).x;
      			tmp.y = texelFetch(input_stream, first_byte++).x;
      			mov(result, n, unpackHalf2x16(uint(get_bits(tmp.xy, desc.swap_bytes))).x);
      		case 3:
      			//unsigned byte
      			mov(result, n, texelFetch(input_stream, first_byte++).x);
      			mov(scale, n, 255.);
      			reverse_order = (desc.swap_bytes != 0);
      		case 4:
      			//signed word
      			tmp.x = texelFetch(input_stream, first_byte++).x;
      			tmp.y = texelFetch(input_stream, first_byte++).x;
      			mov(result, n, get_s16(tmp.xy, desc.swap_bytes));
      		case 5:
      			tmp.x = texelFetch(input_stream, first_byte++).x;
      			tmp.y = texelFetch(input_stream, first_byte++).x;
      			tmp.z = texelFetch(input_stream, first_byte++).x;
      			tmp.w = texelFetch(input_stream, first_byte++).x;
      			bits = get_bits(tmp, desc.swap_bytes);
      			result.x = preserve_sign_s16((bits & 0x7FF) << 5);
      			result.y = preserve_sign_s16(((bits >> 11) & 0x7FF) << 5);
      			result.z = preserve_sign_s16(((bits >> 22) & 0x3FF) << 6);
      			result.w = 1.;
      			scale = vec4(32767., 32767., 32767., 1.);
      		case 6:
      			mov(result, n, float(texelFetch(input_stream, first_byte++).x));
      			reverse_order = (desc.swap_bytes != 0);
      	result /= scale;
      	return (reverse_order)? result.wzyx: result;
      attribute_desc fetch_desc(int location)
      	attribute_desc result;
      	int attribute_flags = input_attributes[location].w;
      	result.type = input_attributes[location].x;
      	result.attribute_size = input_attributes[location].y;
      	result.starting_offset = input_attributes[location].z;
      	result.stride = attribute_flags & 0xFF;
      	result.swap_bytes = (attribute_flags >> 8) & 0x1;
      	result.is_volatile = (attribute_flags >> 9) & 0x1;
      	result.frequency = (attribute_flags >> 10) & 0x3;
      	result.modulo = (attribute_flags >> 12) & 0x1;
      	result.divisor = (attribute_flags >> 13) & 0xFFFF;
      	return result;
      vec4 read_location(int location)
      	attribute_desc desc = fetch_desc(location);
      	//if attribute is disabled return 1 (makes all operations with it nop except add/sub - TODO)
      	if (desc.attribute_size == 0) return vec4(1.);
      	int vertex_id = gl_VertexIndex - int(vertex_base_index);
      	if (desc.frequency == 0)
      		vertex_id = 0;
      	else if (desc.frequency > 1)
      		//if a vertex modifier is active; vertex_base must be 0 and is ignored
      		if (desc.modulo != 0)
      			vertex_id = gl_VertexIndex % desc.divisor;
      			vertex_id = gl_VertexIndex / desc.divisor;
      	if (desc.is_volatile != 0)
      		return fetch_attribute(desc, vertex_id, volatile_input_stream);
      		return fetch_attribute(desc, vertex_id, persistent_input_stream);
      void vs_main(inout vec4 dst_reg0, inout vec4 dst_reg1, inout vec4 dst_reg7)
      	vec4 tmp0;
      	vec4 tmp1;
      	vec4 in_diff_color= read_location(3);
      	vec4 in_pos= read_location(0);
      	vec4 in_tc0= read_location(8);
      	dst_reg1 = (in_diff_color * vc[13]);
      	tmp0.x = vec4(dot(vec4(, 1.0), vc[4])).x;
      	tmp0.y = vec4(dot(vec4(, 1.0), vc[5])).y;
      	tmp0.z = vec4(dot(vec4(, 1.0), vc[6])).z;
      	tmp1.xy = in_tc0.xyxx.xy;
      	tmp1.z = vc[467].xxxx.z;
      	dst_reg7.y = vec4(dot(vec4(, 1.0), vc[8])).y;
      	dst_reg7.x = vec4(dot(vec4(, 1.0), vc[7])).x;
      	dst_reg0.w = vec4(dot(vec4(, 1.0), vc[3])).w;
      	dst_reg0.z = vec4(dot(vec4(, 1.0), vc[2])).z;
      	dst_reg0.y = vec4(dot(vec4(, 1.0), vc[1])).y;
      	dst_reg0.x = vec4(dot(vec4(, 1.0), vc[0])).x;
      void main ()
      	vec4 dst_reg0= vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
      	vec4 dst_reg1= vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
      	vec4 dst_reg7= vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
      	vs_main(dst_reg0, dst_reg1, dst_reg7);
      	gl_Position = dst_reg0;
      	back_diff_color = dst_reg1;
      	tc0 = dst_reg7;
      	gl_Position = gl_Position * scale_offset_mat;
      Bill Hollings


        The appearance of unsupported_GLSLstd450UnpackHalf2x16() indicates that you are trying to use an unpacking function (ie. GLSL unpackHalf2x16()) that is not supported by Metal. Metal does not support the unpacking of one 32-bit integer into two half float values.

        The other errors, to do with passing arguments between functions, is a bug in the shader converter. We will review that and fix it.


        Bill Hollings

          The second issue has been fixed now.

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