Shader compilation error

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  • #1164

      Here’s my current issue trying to use MoltenGL. This is printed in my console. Any help would be appreciated.

      [mgl-info] Converting GLSL:
      #version 100
      attribute  vec4    vertex;        
      attribute  vec4    color;         
      uniform  mat4      matrix;        
      varying  vec4      c;             
      void main()                            
          gl_Position = matrix * vertex;     
          c = color;                         
      End GLSL
      [mgl-info] Converted MSL:
      #include <metal_stdlib>
      using namespace metal;
      struct xlatMtlShaderInput {
        float4 vertex [[attribute(0)]];
        float4 color [[attribute(1)]];
      struct xlatMtlShaderOutput {
        float4 gl_Position [[position]];
        float4 c;
      struct xlatMtlShaderUniform {
        float4x4 matrix;
      vertex xlatMtlShaderOutput VertexShader5 (xlatMtlShaderInput _mtl_i [[stage_in]], constant xlatMtlShaderUniform& _mtl_u [[buffer(0)]])
        xlatMtlShaderOutput _mtl_o;
        _mtl_o.gl_Position = (_mtl_u.matrix * _mtl_i.vertex);
        _mtl_o.c = _mtl_i.color;
        _mtl_o.gl_Position.z = (_mtl_o.gl_Position.z + _mtl_o.gl_Position.w) / 2.0f;
        return _mtl_o;
      End MSL
      Compilation failed: 
      program_source:4:3: warning: declaration does not declare anything
        float4 vertex [[attribute(0)]];
      program_source:17:48: error: expected unqualified-id
        _mtl_o.gl_Position = (_mtl_u.matrix * _mtl_i.vertex);
       (code 3) (null)
      Shader 5 could not be compiled.

        Looks like vertex was being treated as a special keyword in Metal, so I changed it to position. App is up and running now.


          Seem to be getting EXC_BAD_ACCESS crashes when calling glDrawElements(). This is using the shader I modified. Still some work to do there. Not sure why it’s crashing, and I don’t get much of a trace.

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