LunarG validation layers

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  • #1328

      Are the LunarG validation layers available to MoltenVK? I remember seeing something about making things like these possible.

      I made an attempt at working with MoltenVK and there are some things I wonder about that I’d love to hear about. At the moment I work with CLion to set up my dev environment as multiplatform as possible, CLion uses Cmake to do the building.
      The way I ended up setting up moltenVK may or may not be the right way of doing things, I could not find correct information. The tactic I have used for now is as follows:

      Place MoltenVK/macOS’s contents into /usr/local/lib
      Place MoltenVK/macOS/MoltenVK.framework/headers’s contents into /usr/local/inc/MoltenVK
      The last line I for some reason had to do, since Cmake seems to be incapable of looking inside of a .framework file. Since even though it found the MoltenVK.framework file just fine, it did not seem to go further to check inside.
      and I use the following Cmake files:

      Is there any better way to do this? Or is it just as good as it’s going to get?

      Bill Hollings


        Unfortunately, LunarG’s validation layers have not been ported to macOS and iOS yet. We have had some discussions with LunarG about this…but it has not yet become a priority for either company.

        You can help by posting the same request to LunarG…to help raise this as a priority.

        Regarding using CMake, sorry…we have not built MoltenVK using CMake yet…so I can’t comment on whether your approach is optimal.


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